Around and about!

By xLindax

A bad habit!

30 Day Challenge: Day 8 - A Bad Habit.

Oh dear, which one to choose and which one to admit to!

Thankfully my family couldn't think of any bad habits that I had or that they dare to tell me. So I had to rack my brains and think very hard not.

A sad face of pringles is indeed my problem. Not the fact that I can't stop eating them although this is definitely part of the problem but the fact I have to lick all the flavour off first before eating. It doesn't even have to be pringles other crisps are available as long as they are salt and vinegar.

Thankfully I don't apparently do this in public, I manage to keep it within the privacy of my own home. A good job too Mr S says as sometimes the noises I make at the same time could be regarded as a little pornographic loud!!

Love Sundays, we really should have more - enjoy the rest of yours x

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