Kendall is here

By kendallishere

Homage to Earthdreamer and Waipushrink

This is the second in my Blips of Homage, this one to Earthdreamer  and Waipushrink . They are both joggers who live in unbelievably beautiful places. They take their small cameras with them, jog (or walk, or run) up hills and over dales through every kind of weather, and on the way, they find exquisite landscapes to blip. Earthdreamer, in Yorkshire, usually converts his to B&W and often features an unusual tree or a spectacular sky. Waipushrink, in northern New Zealand, leaves his in color usually, and often includes the sea and the creatures (human and otherwise) who live near it. Both tell us about their day, their loved ones, their jobs, their region. I love their journals.

So how, you may wonder, can this, which is certainly not an exquisite landscape, be an homage to them? It has to do with the method of collection. I have been ill for quite some time, am still (endlessly) on antibiotics, still very low-energy. I am trying to regain my former level of minimal fitness, so I set out this morning to walk stroll to the river. That is twenty city blocks from where I live. When I got to the halfway point, I realized there was no way I would make it. I was gasping for breath and dizzy, there was nowhere to sit down, and I had to get back home before I passed out. So I shot the landscape that surrounded me at the ten-block point. I took about sixty pictures: cars, bikes, cranes, brick walls, tall buildings, and expressway interchanges overhead. When I returned home to my recliner chair, my laptop, and my cat (who was very happy to see me), and moved the pictures to my computer to have a look, this one charmed me most.  This is the outcome of my fitness foray and the landscape that surrounds me at the furthest point I can reach (today) on my self-propelled journey.

I also have an old (nothing new posted, if you've seen it don't bother again) Blipfolio of other Homage shots, to people who usually shoot sunshine, taken on a rare sunny day; and here is the first of the series, Homage to Chaiselongue. Thanks again to Blouseybrown for the idea.

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