No Domestic Goddess...

By NotNigella

DS Love

Wee C loves her DS. We don't let her play it anywhere near as often as she'd like though... :-)
Another favourite pastime is watching telly upside down. I've no idea why.

Her absolute favourite thing at the moment is reading the first Harry Potter book with her dad, and is now besotted with witches and wizards and magic. She's desperate to watch the film version (and strangely enough knows all the actors' names already) but her dad won't let her until she's read the whole book. Only two chapters to go!

My first day back at work today. A one-day week. Wish it was like that every week! :-)
Christmas leftovers for dinner tonight - lots of cheeses, with bread and biscuits and pickles and chutneys and wine. And some hot party-food nibbles to add a few more inches to the waistline. Yum!

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