
By AprilJane

One Hundred

100th blip today I believe.

Woke up with really painful sinuses, that have been hurting all day.

Took the children to see Hugo this morning - Chris has been saying he wants to take them to it for about six weeks - and sat a silent cinema for 40 minutes before someone came in and said that the digital projector wasn't starting automatically, and they had tried to do it manually but failed. The manager said that we could go and see another film for 'free' - ie we wouldn't have to pay again (thanks!). The film suggested was Alvin and the Chipmonks 2. As Betsy and Al were the only children in the place I would have found that funny if I hadn't been so fed up. And determined that I should never, ever pay money to sit through Alvin and the Chipmonks 2. Or even Alvin and the Chipmonks 1. I asked for our money back, and was refused. I got cross, obviously, and argued the point until I remembered I was wearing 3D glasses and must look ridiculous! We did get our money back, but not the £4 I'd spent on two totally poisinous cups of tea which neither of us drank.

Came back and watched The Chamber of Secrets instead. Again. I fell asleep (I have seen it about five times, read both Betsy and Al the book and had a terrible headache). I woke up just in time to see Harry defeat the basilisk and cry when Dobby gets freed. I'm such a sap.

Did some sewing on the Morgana I'm making for the children. And blipped my 100.

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