Happy Birthday M!!

Another year has flown by!! My goodness, I can hardly believe it is my son's birthday again! We almost celebrated it together this year!! What a pity we had to come back only four days too early, but hey, we had such a great time together, it made up for a few celebrations to come! ;o)

We had a lovely, loooong phone call just now, the two of them complaining about the house being so empty and quiet without us, and us complaining about the horrifying heat here at home, but all's well at both sides of the world and that's all that matters!

I wish you a wonderful year my dear child, and all the love and prosperity you and Z may wish for! It is always so good to see the two of you and your lovely life together, I can last a long time away because I know that you two are happy together and I have nothing to worry about! That is all a mother needs! Thank you for that! Hope the snow will come seriously soon, so the two of you can get to use the birthday pressies we bought you both! Hiehiehie!

I decided to take a photo of my charm bracelet today, since I had my latest charm, a traditional Swedish Dala Horse, bought in Stockholm, fitted to my bracelet.

The whole charm bracelet story started on my birthday on 26th October when J (MagicKingdom) gave me my first charm, the sweet little camera third from right, as a gift. I bought myself the little cycler and fish to the right of the camera, as well as the open sardines tin, in the left of the picture, next to the sardines tin is a little tortoise, then a vintage car and last, but not least, my sweet little Dala Horse.

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