Lizzy Clare

By LizzyClare


So...Saturday dawned and it was a much better day :) The sun was shining and the skies were blue at home, so we decided to go out for the day. I have to say it looked a LOT closer on the map than it turned out to be. It felt like we were driving to the ends of the earth! The journey just seemed to go on and on (and the roads got progressively smaller and twistier)! was worth it. OK, the sun was mainly hidden behind clouds by the time we got there, but what a wonderful place! We had a very long walk over the cliffs, down on to the beach then back up the other way so LOADS of fresh air and exercise today (which makes up for the greedy guts act I managed to perfect on Thursday)!

I would urge you to look here to see the true beauty of this place - these were taken last summer :)

Also, I have had this song in my head all have a listen (and didn't we all used to have a gramophone player like that one?! :)

Have a great evening XxX

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