Eyed by Ruby

"Almost nothing need be said when you have eyes."
Tarjei Vesaas, The Boat in the Evening

Lovely sunny warm weather. Ruby's busy and the birds and squirrels are happy with a new supply of seeds.

Max is limping about, lame, but carrying on. He's sleeping more with his pain meds, but everything else seems normal. He did cry out while tending to nature in his box, tough with a bad back leg. That was hard to hear, but he carried on bravely. Madame Bellatrix Lestrange is sleeping soundly under lock and key in the bedroom. Max did fine in the loft yesterday afternoon, so she will be down soon when he goes up.

It's like spring today, we're heading out for a walk and errands.

For the Record,
Glorious warm sunny weather.

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