A Year in my world

By PhotosByKimbo

how blessed we are

today I spent the day at our local hospital with my loving husband, (who would not let me take a photo of him..ugh). while he was back in his little room with the doctor I had a phone call from a dear friend that lost her mother today. It made me think how Robbie is in having something so simple done and how I can loose him. I think of the many times my mom was in the hospital growing up and the last time I went to see her in one. I also think of an other friend that lost her dad a few years ago. It makes me feel blessed for who I have in my live for the small time that they are in it. I love all of you very much and am grateful that you are in my live. I also am glad that Robbie is home today with me.."a little out of it, but he is home"

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