Scared Cocky

Tonight we are staying in Pambula on the Sapphire Coast, chosen from a wide choice of coastal towns purely because Teacherlady's daughter is named Pam. Seemed a good reason to stop here.

We stopped on the way down the coast at a number of places but the most beautiful was Maruya Heads and Toragy Point. The rocks there were amazing and the colour of the sea almost an unbelievable shade of aquamarine. There was a very old cemetery on the point that dated back to settlement in the 1800's.

We went down to the beach at Pambula tonight but most of my photos were disappointing - the wrong light and lack of patience on my part I guess. Teacherlady tried to talk me into running into some long grass to scare up a snake for her to photograph and wasn't very understanding when I was reluctant. So much for friendship and valuing my life - *sigh*.

When we left the beach we went looking for somewhere to have tea and instead found a flock of Cockatoos having their tea in a field. They weren't too happy with us for arriving and took off, but they hung around at a bit of a distance clearly wanting to come back, but we were too scarey.

This guy literally hung around - by his beak.

I've added a couple more shots to my blipfolio if you are interested.

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