The Little Things of Life

By Meirian

Colorful light installation

We went to see the light installation project at Pyynikki observation tower. This installation was part of the Tampere valoviikot (light weeks) and last one of five installations. The tower was beautifully colored with ligths and atmosphere was like being in fairytale woods. The trees were lighted up much wider area than this photo shows.

Sadly this was the last day for that light installation and while I was there they started to turn off the lights. I'd have loved to walk around and search for new angels for shooting the tower and woods. I only got two pictures.. this one and the other will be next photo.

It's truely great that they do this kind of projects here. The light and colors is always welcome in the middle of dark winter :)

Update: I found more information of this project and it's designers in English. You can read it from here.

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