
By Orc2009

Wide Firth by Finstown

I haven't been out with the camera much because the weather has been so very grey and wet and nasty. Today started off not too bad and I was volunteering with the RSPB. I got picked up at Finstown, where I took this, and a bunch of us went up to Birsay moors reserve to remove non-native lodgepole pine. A good day for a bonfire (as are all days). It always feels odd removing trees but they had not flourished and the area needs to be open for hunting hen-harriers. I mean harriers that are hunting- not the pursuit by humans of harriers.

While I have your attention...I need advice...I bought an external drive and
its software seems to have loaded onto the computer but why doesn't the computer start to use the space?...I keep getting messages saying there's no space...I suppose I need to change the primary folder destiantion or something but not sure how to do that. Any help appreciated, you clever people, you.

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