Pugs, horse, baby and me!

By Puggirl

To dabble in scrabble

Hi everyone

So the weather has been much better today in the forest, had a good game of crazy golf which is always fun as I am so rubbish at it!

We went with Gary's parents, well they stayed with us for two nights which was great as they paid for our yummy meals out, you see they like the finer things in life - and always have 3 courses... Something we never do!

I am really fussy about Esmé's bedtime routine as I have got it so good (she sleeps for 13 hours normaly) so we had to eat out at 5pm to be back for Waybalo at 6pm and In the night garden at 6.20 then it is bath then bed. So we had lots of time to kill in the evenings.... I have many friends who go away only to get out of the routine and have a sleepless baby, no thanks!

So on this night we had a game of good old fashioned scrabble, and as you can see Buttons joined in :)

Feeling very chilled, and after lots of long walks very zzzzzzzz :)

Lots of love

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