Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Bye bye, Christmas... Bye bye...

Off you go.

We've sent Christmas back upstairs for another year. Everything's got to go back into the cupboard in our bedroom. I hate trying to squeeze it all back in so I've asked the decorations to get upstairs and put themselves away. They're old enough now.

Today is the twelfth day of Christmas and officially the last day to have decorations up but it seems most people take everything down somewhere between Boxing Day and yesterday. What's happened. Is it decimalisation?! ;o)
We lose and/or change traditions as time goes by, I suppose, but the twelve days of Christmas was one tradition I quite liked.

Anyway, I've been trying to study today, which always makes me boring and slightly mad and I miss getting out and about with my camera.
I'm so behind with my course after a few weeks off that my books and thoughts have had trouble knowing what they're doing. By the time I'd got my head around where I was it was school kicking-out time.

Here comes the grey gloom of winter sundown on a wet day. I don't like January at the best of times - which is a shame because it's our daughter's birthday next week.

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