not seeing straight

By jaybroek


Woken at 3:30am to the sound of baby.

Stagger to baby's room and try Technique No. 1 for restoring sleep (dummy in mouth, hold arms down to stop mad flapping). It works mercifully quickly.

Return to bed. Some level of sleep regained.

Become aware, around 6, of older son visiting bathroom. Lay in expectation of periodic (about every 10 minutes) returns 'to check if its morning yet'.

Try to doze but wonder about the fate of Peter - the surviving goldfish who is looking less than happy. Feel guilt about filthy tank.

Baby reawakens about 6:30. Happy gurgling. Leave him to it.

Up at 7 - tea for Mrs B. Wander in to baby's room. Distinct smell of ripe nappy.


Shower, Breakfast for assorted family members, laundry, burst of semi-enthusiastic violin practice from boy and on bike to work by about 8:20.

Use cool fresh cycle ride along canal to focus on the work day ahead. Thirty seconds later decide that's a dumb idea.

Get to end of canal - out onto Fountainbridge - that's a lot of fricking gulls.


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