windows yes, parcel no

The window-fixing man corrected his error of windowsill-addition today and locked up properly after himself on his way out so will not be named and shamed. We now have nice windows out of which to look at people peering in from the opposite pavement and will now have extra people peering in from the opposite pavement due to the eye-catching cleanliness of the freshly-painted windows which are now the shiniest in the building rather than the crumbliest and flakiest. Despite the presence of a person in the flat all day there was still absolutely no sign of the postpeople and the parcel. Gits. At least the living-room is still nice and clean and empty and large-feeling and echoey and will hopefully remain so for a few more days until everything gets shifted back in and the curtains are restored; hopefully this might not be for another month or so whilst we attempt to get them cleaned unless Nicky decides to go with her plan to replace them which she only appeared to have as they were taken down. Seeing as father-wingpig will be sleeping in the lounge when he visits in a month's time it might be wise to have the option of thoroughly opaque curtains both to allow him to sleep more easily and to save the peering eyes of the passers-by on the pavement opposite should they glance in at an unfortunate time.

Saturday addendum: I intended to have this finished in time to post today so that it related to the One Year Ago entry but repeated (and repeatedly failed) attempts to get a better version of the music delayed me.

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