Spice tin revisited

I've had quite an emotional day today. I spoke recently about an old friend/work colleague who only a few weeks ago was diagosed with terminal cancer. It has now spread and she is pretty much bed bound with a constant supply of oxygen on the go. I went to visit her this morning and ended up kicking off my boots and clambering onto the bed to have a long hug. Although she is a good bit older than me we get on really well and used to enjoy meeting up and having a mooch round a local craft village. She's a huge Queen fan and a big lover of curry, hence the blip. I set to making a chicken sagwalla when i got home, and i've promised to drop a portion round to her tomorrow.
I've blipped this tin before and i was happy with the picture back then, but i have to say i much prefer this one. A year of blipping has maybe improved my photography skills more than i thought!
This one's for you P. x

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