Gifts of Grace

By grace


I've spent the afternoon heaving rocks, shovelling silt, sand and God knows what to clear a path from the back door and round to the bedroom window. I was particularly keen to hose all the debris off the window so I could have a clear view of the sea again. En route I got engrossed in digging down to solid ground/paving/cement. A meditative (and very physical) day. The sea had swept under the doors of the two sheds, dislodging shelving and tipping the new lawn mower, pressure washer etc into the silt.

Back in March imagination failed when trying to feel into Japan's and New Zealand's experience of earth changes. Now, a tiny scrap of experience, a crumb of chaos helps me to comprehend, to share the need to restore order, create a simpler, deeper kind of order.

It is somehow healing to get your hands in the mud, chilled to the bone, awake to the blue sky, the circling birds with the promise of hot, buttered toast, a warm house and bath at day's end. Blessings and luxuries all.

I'm so please to have captured that little pin-prick of light in the bottom centre of this image. It's a light on a navigation buoy that flashes every few seconds. Caught at the first attempt :-)

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