
Now I know this doesn't look like much, but the red graze and cut is very painful!

In an attempt to clean the filters out on the tumble dryer I thought I would stick my hand right into the vent to get all the bits out.... This resulted in me being stuck for 25 minutes with my hand in the vent. My phone was in the kitchen on the docking station, Elliot was asleep in the lounge, all my neighbours are well over 90 so I think even if I shouted they wouldn't be able to hear me...

So after a lot of twisting, yanking and pulling I realised I would just make it worse and maybe cause it to swell and then I would never get my hand out, that's when I had visions of the fire brigade being called.... Oh what a kerfuffle!!

Anyway as it happens when I breathed through the situation and calmed down it just popped right out!! Phewwwwww!!

The rest of the day was fairly dull after that!!

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