'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

Creeping ivy

"The rugged trees are mingling Their flowery sprays in love; The ivy climbs the laurel To clasp the boughs above."
William Cullen Bryant

I am glad I returned to this spot today, after the rain from last night. I took a similar shot yesterday and was a possibility for yesterday's blip but chose the ladybird instead. In the end it turned out be a good decision because the rain has deepened the colour of the bark and it stands out so much more than yesterday's capture.

'Is that 'selective colour' again?' I hear you ask. Yes it is, this time the sepia. It seems to bring together the different background colours which detract from intensity of the bark and the ivy.

Have you found the 'drip' yet? I nearly missed it when selecting!

Late edit - there is also another visitor which I hadn't spotted earlier!

Am still off poorly, voice worse than ever after a night of continual coughing. Will go in to school tomorrow but will lock myself away in the office! Have to admit I have not felt this rough for a long time. Although am very glad I stopped smoking 2 years ago as this would have been a full blown chest infection. Just shows what those horrible cigarettes do!

Three Beautiful Things

The wind finally dying down this afternoon - it has been very blustery since yesterday evening.

A milky coffee and a doze on the sofa.

The company of Mills and Jem, they are not going to like it when I go back to school properly.

One thing to be grateful for;
Blipfoto - it has kept me sane and stopped my brain going to complete mush over the last few days.

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