
By wayfarer

Close Shave

This car had a tree fall on it outside Morrisons in Wellingborough. Apparently the occupants were shaken but unhurt.
I've got a full-blown cold - it's just as well that I'm at home so that I don't pass it on to my dad or sister, both of whom are frail at the moment.
I went to Northampton hospital to have the inside of my eyes photographed - the image looks like something the Mars Rover might have taken - very red. It wasn't easy because I couldn't stare into the lens without tears streaming down across my eye, confusing the camera. We got there after three attempts.
Apart from that, we've had two power cuts so far today. Me and my man flu are off to bed for a couple of hours, head under the duvet.
Hope you are all having a good day.

It made the local news. The lady was taken to hospital suufering from shock, not surprisingly.

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