investigations of a dag

By kasty

I-raining-in film : new year's resolution 3

saw off the wild weather at the filmhouse seeing Iranian film A Separation fulfilling another new year's resolution.

New Year's resolution 3 : Be, see, read, hear or do something magnificent everyday (Or where that fails, have a laugh instead)

Am attempting to hush the buzzing wasps of misery and perfectionist pressure I can set loose on myself . While you can change the material things around you - the place you are, the job you do, the people you are with, even the jumper you wear - you will always experience life the way that you do, or in my case likely subject to a very chatty inner critic. I'm trying to snake charm it's powers for more constructive and creative uses and I've found an inner drop kick or tickle works quite well.

Plenty of that on here if I get stuck. Which I will.. oh lordy, I will come undone on this one.

Aside the Mary Poppins pyschobabble. The film was a brilliant and compelling study of how beautiful but fallible human nature can be brought to breaking point by the equally faulty and fine weights of state and religion. No black and white caricatures here, a full colour spectrum of morality in this film. Sympathies are with every character, even the judge. Which starts and ends as us. Gripped right up to the credits when the audience dried their tears only to head out into the wild deluge outside

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