cactus tutu... the christmas cactus gathers its second breath

i was thinking they'd been done in... it seemed for some reason the cactus plants had run out of steam this year - they got the usual buds and blossomed as they normally do... but the flowers didn't last as long - perhaps something was in the air or they just felt as though they needed a break in the rotation of blossoming... i figured it was okay - i wouldn't have the typical beauty of the plants all graceful in color through the spring... but i could live with that.

yet this morning - lo and behold... i was surprised enough to do the happy dance - for there on one of the cactus plants was a blossom - in all its glory... beginning to open into a wonderful flower cascading down into a gentle spread of whiteness... and what did it remind me of? a tutu... i could but see a precious little one twirling about with her finery of a tutu on - in a wonderous dance. we all need to dance a bit in our day-to-days, don't you think? let loose a little - swinging our arms around in sweet abandon and twirling about on our feet... go ahead and hum a tune as you go, too... it all makes for...


happy day.....

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