Spot the starlings

Best viewed spot the starlings large

I had no time to spend outside today taking pictures, the weather wasn't nice, the wind too much, so these starlings were taken through my study window with the wrong lens - the macro - but I rather like it. The colours work, their expressions are great & the spotted detail on their feathers clear(ish)

Horrendous day again, cold, wet, grey, no sunshine, now it's raining hard & blowing yet another gale... I give up complaining about the weather, makes no difference...

Little Larry:

Looking at Elgar

I'm not going to Exeter tomorrow, taking a break. My mum is receiving treatment at Exeter hospital for 5 days as an outpatient, hence all our back & forth's there. Tomorrow I have stuff to do, loads of stuff & PLEASE let there be SUNSHINE with NO WIND - as I SO WANT to test out my NEW fast becoming old lens lol xxx

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