a town called E.

By Eej


It's almost impossible to have neighbours like Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal and not be aware of it unless you are blind. I've seen them around many, many times, especially in winter. They are however, very shy.
They keep to themselves, don't mingle and if they even think you are looking at them they are gone.
Imagine my surprise when this afternoon as I was desperately trying for a fuzzy squirrel photo, they both hopped in the backyard. She didn't eat much, but he snarfed up sunflower seeds like they are going out of style. I tried to be hospitable and quiet as a mouse at the same time. It didn't last long, but HURRAY all the same :)

Speaking of mice: I saw a tiny fieldmouse make its way into the garage this morning. Aw. Cute. Good thing I am keeping all the bird food in closed containers now :)

Oh, and I miss the Squire. So much. This new generation of squirrels doesn't want anything to do with me. For now. I'm not giving up but it's made me realise what a remarkable little thing the Squire was.

ps. I realise this photo looks over saturated, but Cardinals really are very bright red and in an otherwise bleak landscape they stick out like fire trucks. While I didn't increase saturation directly, by playing with the 'luminosity' layer it came out like this and felt right to me.

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