
By LeeAnne


We all have it. It comes from all sorts of angles. Mostly, I find it comes from within.

I feel a suffocating amount of pressure at the moment. I'm not sure if it's because of what I assume other people expect from me or whether it's because I'm inflicting it on myself, but it just feels as though I can't get away from it. There's an anxious knot in my tummy that won't go away. There's a smile pasted on my face so that other people won't feel the need to ask if I'm okay. If you make out like everything is rosy then surely everyone will just carry on with their day and leave you alone right? If I'm left alone then I can just get on with what I have to do and not feel like there's pressure from elsewhere and attempt to deal with the pressure from within.

It's never too late... #175

To be quiet.
For silence to be a good thing.
A little solitude to work things out for yourself.
Just to be left alone with your thoughts.
To allow yourself some quiet time.
And for others to respect it.
You should not have to visit a cemetery.
For this to take place.
But I do.
Every day.

"To be alone is to be different, to be different is to be alone." Suzanne Gordon

I walked to work in the rain, I walked in the rain at lunchtime and I walked home in the rain. All in all, a very wet and windy 6 miles. On the plus side my slanket arrived. Hurrah! Week four hundred and fifty six okay so it's only about 8 weeks, feels like longer of no central heating, my slanket is welcome!

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