Pics from Zone Flâneur

By paulperton

A dry sunrise at last

Looking south, the reflections of the mountains outside look wonderful in the water. Unfortunately, the vlei is a result of the recent rains and will be with us for several months as the ground is so waterlogged that there is nowhere for the water to go.

Still, the frogs and crickets are happy and the waterbirds have arrived in great profusion. I wonder how they knew?

I'm glad they're having a good time; the cable to our TV dish now runs under the pond and it's just a matter of time before the set-top decoder tells me that the signal has been lost and another expensive repair job is called-for.

The pic was shot at f5.6 for 20 seconds and looked good at first sight. Closer inspection reveals lots of digital noise, resulting from the lengthy exposure. Still, we'll not mention that will we?

Leica D-LUX 3

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