Morning Sunshine

It was nice to see - it's been a while. Not that it stayed around for very long mind you.

A busy day here, was back to school & college for the youngest two so I was up at 6.30 and walking the dog then getting them up at 7am. After dropping the littlest monkey off at school, I popped to the post offfice to pay some money into the bank & get the photo's done so I can renew my drivers licence. I look frightful delightful as one always does in these kind of photo's!

Then it was back home to get stuck into cleaning the house which I was helped with by the ditties of bands like Rise Against, Young Guns, Alterbridge, Janedear Girls, Fireflight to name but a few.

All of this conviently took my mind off the fact that I have an actual real life job interview tomorrow. Until I polled some forum friends & facebook buddies about whether to leave the piercings in or not. That got me rather riled up and ranty but I've made a decision and will stick by it. If the (hopeful) employers don't like it, well it's their loss and I will just find something else :D

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