Simply Me

By Suze981


Well I managed to survive the first day back at work today. Hugged quite a few colleagues so that's always a good day :) I'd planned to do quite little, but actually ended up doing is that easing myself back in after the break?

On my way home I stopped at the shops to get some office coke zero for tomorrow and stumbled across this aisle. Why Morrisons feels the need to have Easter eggs out on the 4th January is beyond me? Commercialism gone mad. Has it always been this way or am I now officially old and cynical?

P.s the hair dying didn't really work - I seem to have ended up toning down the blonde and blending it in even more with the pre-existing ginger (rather than going totally blonde). So I have decided to go back to my gingery goodness roots and stop dying it from now on!

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