It's Back

As you are probably aware before Christmas I came down with Acute Gout. I finally managed to get my Uric acid levels under control and I was given a prescription for my preventative medicine that would keep these levels under control, even though it means taking one for life.

1 tablet = no Gout Result. As you can probably tell from my previous few Blips it seems to be working as I have been walking a lot around Cornwall. Imagine my despair when I woke up this morning and I could not stand on it again!!! It was sore yesterday and my 5 hour car trip did not help, but I was looking forward to going back to work today. Instead I had to go to the doctors where I was informed that I should of been told to carry on taking Naproxen tablets for at least 2 - 3 months as the new medication will cause the gout attacks in the first 3 months. I was told to finish off my existing Naproxen tablets which ran out on Christmas Eve not taken them since so Boom elephant foot for me!

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