Moment's Wonder

By MomentsWonder

Guy At The Bar

Self explanatory. Had my camera, liked the lighting, took the picture. Here was the curiosity for me. I took more than a dozen pictures with the same settings to be sure it was in focus, each one appears differently exposed. Oh, the joy and complexity of photography, never predictable or boring.

My close friend, life partner really, put his mom in a nursing home today. He has been her primary caregiver for over 10 years. I have lovingly referred to her as the "National Treasure". In particular when her care has gotten in the way of his freedom to hang out with me. One of those things you completely understand, love the person for, and yet you are still alone. Today, that roadblock disappeared. Neither of us really knows what that means yet, so we sat over wine and a beer, talked about it and went, once again to our separate homes.

The future, suddenly, looks completely different but I'm not sure what has really changed . Oh, the joy and complexity of life. Never predictable, never boring.

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