Sam and shoppin

An early morning with Sam where breakfast in the elephant house ensued - he looked a little harry potter esk which was apt, even of the book writing in this coffee shop is a tad alleged. Still good food, cwoffee (as Sam would say) and company as well as a great view of the castle.

After that it was shopping with mumma in Livingston. I think we bought the place lol.

Then onto educating Olivia about Mary Poppins - she started to click her fingers believing she was magic, then the funniest thing happened...heather's tv has a USB slot and I had left my phone charger in it - in the middle of the movie I got up to go to the toilet and plugged my phone in, as I walked out of the room a few seconds later Olivia clicked her fingers, at that exact moment my phone connected to the tv and brought up a message to play music from the device. Olivia shouted out 'Oh my goodness, oh my goodness I'm magic, I'm magic like Mary Poppins' what superb timing - heather and I were laughing a lot!

So glad I bonded and shared her first moments of a magical movie with her (it's always been one of my top 5 movies) x

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