Posh munchies

I got the munchies around 8.30 this evening. I shouldn't have, because I have eaten well, and sensibly, today and cooked a lovely tea of risotto with spicy chicken. It was delish. But I needed something else.

I'm guessing normal people reach for a tub of pringles or maybe make a round of toast. Not me. I always have a little stash of chocolate souffles in the fridge (I kid you not) - oven on, 20 minutes and lovely choccie pudding all ready to swim in a bowl full of double cream.

It was gone in 4 mouthfuls. Either the pudding was small or my mouth is HUGE.

Diet starts tomorrow.

Mother of all headaches, but according to my previous entries in pain diary, it seems that is about right on timing. Everything else remains the same so I have not made a note in over a week - what's the point when I know how it feels?

James starts back at school tomorrow, so it's early nights all round as muggins has to get up to take him to his friends in the morning. The intention is that I blast through my own work for the next 3 days, hopefully meaning a clear weekend before returning to school next Monday. Best laid plans.

If you haven't watched him before, please can I recommend the giant Greg Davies - I watched his standup show on the iPad this afternoon and I cried laughing. He's brilliant.

See you tomorrow :-)

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