Family Dog

By Family_Dog

WANTED! Puss in Boots...

Arlo's been very interested in Puss in Boots since he saw Shrek for the first time a few weeks ago - to the point where he even asked Santa for a black hat with a feather in it. He then started spotting posters around town advertising the new Puss in Boots film and took to shouting 'I'm Poots in Boots and hadda fayaaa lala doo doo daah daaaah' (I can only assume that's his Spanish accent), whilst wildly waving fake swords around the place offering beheadings and the like.

As it's Bry's last day of holidays today we decided to take him to see it. We took Ida along too on the off chance they'd let her in, although secretly I was hoping she wouldn't so I could take her off in her buggy, force her to sleep and then sit somewhere quietly for a couple of hours reading and drinking coffee.

Alas, my plan was foiled and so the four of us filed in - sitting brazenly in the expensive seats that we hadn't paid for. Arlo was decked out head to toe in his version of Poots in Boots - black hat with feather, black cape, dark trousers, welly boots (?), bright yellow sword (huge bubble wand) and his trusty steed Blaze - his hobby horse. He sat glued to the screen for the entire time - only moving whenever his excitement couldn't be contained to sitting still. It was lovely watching his enraptured face - he was clearly in his element. Every now in then he'd shout 'there's me!'

After the film we nipped off to his wee pal Millie-Rose's house for her birthday party. A very hectic day, indeed.

He told us that his favourite bit in the film was the dancing bit and I was delighted to tell him that we had the music that accompanied that scene at home. I didn't think he'd really taken notice of that, but as soon as we got back from the party he asked us to put it on - which we did, with pleasure - and we were treated to his re-enactment of the scene, dancing and spinning and stamping all around the livingroom with his Poots outfit on. As soon as it was over he demanded it again and again.

It really was a brilliant day. And so - for your pleasure here's the music that accompanies that scene. A tasty and thrilling number from Rodrigo y Gabriela......Diablo Rojo.


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