'Windy But Not Trapped'

This type of excercise is fabulous for the bum muscles.. This is the allotment shed..... Still in one piece, maybe not as 'secure' as it was before!

Anyway here is a brief run down of my day (without fibs or exaggerations):

1. Wind blew so hard when I opened the car door that my had got trapped between the door and wall. Bloody agony and I cried pathetically while driving to work.

2. Narrowly missed a large trampoline and various fallen tree species on route.

3. Nice day in work.

4. Opendoor called to say he and the kids are trapped in Perth... that's a whole bloody week they've been there now and I almost cried at the thought of another night without them.... or Sky TV(as it's still broken)!

5. Arrived home to find all four bins lying in the driveway and my rubbish strewn accross various districts of Glasgow.

6. Entered house, took boots off and answered a phone call from Andy at the allotment to say that our shed had blown up the hill.

7. I walked upstairs whilst telling Andy that I'd go to the allotment and see what was happening. On reaching the top of the stairs I discovered one pile of dog sick.... oh no make that two piles ..... no, sorry three.... and whats that on the bathroom floor? Oh yes, a poo just to top things off.

Cleared all that up and drove to the allotment where the shed was in this state... could have been worse.

Apart from all that, I'd like to announce that my over-wintering onions and garlic are coming up a treat. Like I say, there is always a silver lining.

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