Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


It's been thirty-six years to the day since I took the Queens shilling and joined up, it was rather by default mind as I felt obliged to serve due to a bright idea falling apart a few years before hand. My older brother was intending to follow fathers footsteps and join the RAF, I being the cocky younger sibling thought he should widen his options and decided he should look at a career in one of the other services, I duly cutout and sent off the advertisement in the daily paper to the Army recruitment centre thinking that if I put my name down I'd get to see the brochure first before handing it on. I waited patiently for the post each day to further my devious plan but it all came apart when instead of an envelope hitting the door mat a large, burley Warrant Officer knocked on the door asking for me, with much embarrassment I promised that when old enough I would apply hence my joining the REME two years later as a boy soldier (put the boy bit in so you know I'm still a young pup!) my brother did join the RAF and like our dear old dad stayed in for the whole 22 years, Father did even longer, taught me not to try to be too clever.

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