rob the ritch

By robtherich


T his was a gift from my wife's brother that I was doing the painting for. I put it among my heather in the back garden. LOOK BACK to february to see the other one I have. On the morning of new years day my son and myself first footed my next door neighbour.Then my brother-in -law first footed us. When I was young people used to walk round the houses,bring black bun[a heavy raisin cake ,with a hard dry pastry] a piece of coal [every one coal fires] and some drink.
They would stay for a few drinks then move on to another house. This is died out in the big cities as people don't trust strangers now in there house.That's why I said best foot forward at new year.Just in case the person that gifted my membership for blipfoto did not see my thanks at Christmas.I cant THANK YOU enough for your KINDNESS of the gift .

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