Hard Girls Bad Boy
When I saw what my Mum and Dad happened to be coincidentally reading at the same time I knew my blip was done.
Today was the last day of the festive holiday and therefore the last chance for a lie in. So of course the wind rattled the old window frames all night, tiles skittered down the roof, the burglar alarm went off in the art gallery next door, the kids woke up, the friend of Ruby's who was here for a sleepover had an asthma attack and her inhaler wasn't working so her Mum had to come and rescue her. And then I had to go to T***o to stock up the fridge which was looking very bare.
Anyhow, spicy sausage pasta for lunch and I managed to squeeze a few bottles of red in the trolley too. Onwards and upwards for all the hard girls and bad boys.
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