They Shall Not Pass!

For "they" read MaggieD, Rona and myself. The wind has been howling round the house since early morning and we feared the loss of roof tiles. Thankfully, we had no damage but many of our neighbours have.
It would have been totally insane to take Rona for a walk this morning so we hung on until about 11.00 when the wind had abated from gale force to just strong. We venture into the wood along sodden, muddy paths to find the way blocked by fallen trees. Not just one or two, mind, but at least a dozen forced us into the undergrowth in order to make progress. I suspect the Estate Management will need to request a team with chainsaws in order to restore access to the paths. Sadly though, there must be many dozens of mature trees throughout the wood felled, broken and now useless.
I hope you all have survived without too much damage.

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