
So sad to say goodbye to my big sis, J and E, M and C. Lots of tears and then a quiet drive home to a quiet house.

Ma and Dad have done heaps of tidying up around the place. Washing done, beds stripped, lawn mowed, floor vacuumed. Tip of the iceberg stuff, but a start to life returning to 'normal'; whatever that is today.

Then a chance to say 'Hello'. I met up with S1 and S2 in a very quiet Rangiora at lunchtime today. Cousteau got the ubiquitous pats, and I met two very lovely, genuine people. I felt as if I already knew them so well, despite never having actually met either of them before.

There will be more tears before bedtime, I'm sure. Still, a wonderful opportunity to spend quality time with my family. I'll see you again all soon.

God bless XXX

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