Light Trails II
A second attempt at light trails, and one I'm pretty happy with, taken later at night - hence less traffic and the cars are actually all going right through shot, rather than a few yards within it! This shot also features the Mitchell Library, one of the most fantastic buildings in a city not short of lovely architecture.
And yes, Christmas came again - and doubly so. Firstly, my camera decided that it was sufficiently dried out to start working again, and my Amazon order arrived - partly funded by a voucher received as a Christmas present from my uncle and aunt - a Gorillapod! The solution to the 'can't be bothered to lug around a tripod on the daily commute dilemma'. So in between films I went out to take photos of Glasgow by night. Too tired to go through them all, so have the last one I took, slightly cropped to get rid of annoying bits.
The boat did sail this morning, and given the fact that it is not spending the night in Ardrossan my decision seems to have been a good one. Chris (who was going up to take down his mum's Christmas decorations and hoping to make it back today, not sure if he did or not) and I made ourselves very popular with other passengers using our encyclopaedic knowledge of the public transport foibles of the West of Scotland on January 2nd. This includes the facts that no trains were running before 10am, apparently no buses at all on the route we wanted, which platform to get a train from at Kilwinning and similar such useful information - and my rare ability to Google Ardrossan taxi numbers and book one. Public servants, that's us! Anyway, having made it back to Glasgow on one of the most packed trains I've been on in quite some time, I dumped my stuff and home and went into town to print some pics at Jessops before the free prints voucher runs out, and to go to the pictures. I didn't go at all in December, and need to feel I'm getting my money's worth from the Cineworld Unlimited card.
All in all a lovely day, but if you don't object (and even if you do), I'll catch up on commenting tomorrow as I need my sleep, having been up at 6:45 this morning, and not having gone to bed until after midnight after the Ladies' Darts Team Fun Night (fundraiser, a Catacol tradition, and a good laugh. Sadly I lost the final of the Connect 4, but went out in both Darts and Dominoes in the first round. I did win a nice scarf and some posh smelly stuff in the raffle, which was nice. I suppose it's practice for Wednesday, when I'm back to the 6am starts :(
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