my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

Bank Holiday Mehday

A deep blue day today, tired and found it hard to be motivated.

Loads of reasons

But suspect it's just the time of the year.

The only thing that made me smile today was how happy Jeanne was watching the ISS pass overhead.

We tracked it on the ipad - and the sight of my little astronomer getting hurridly dressed (we had a lazy day AGAIN) and putting on too short jeans, my Puma's and my Camel coat was the only thing that made me smile today.

After a swift redress in proper warm clothes she stood in the street shouting out the planet positions to me and she was SO pleased she actually saw the space station that it made me really happy.

My little phone camera did it's best! The Moon and Jupiter. Thank you.

"Born under Mars
With Jupiter rising
Fallen from stars
That lit my horizon

I'll never understand
why you thought I would
need to be reassured
and be understood
When I always knew
that your bad's my good

The Game. Indeed.

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