This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Today I woke a bit late, but not as late as yesterday. I went to sleep feeling a little under the weather with a stuffy nose and a mild sore throat. Perfect timing... not. I don't usually get sick so if I am careful and just rest, it should pass quickly.

I had nightmares in the night, anxiety dreams about my studio contents, where it should be stored, what would happen to the files, the artists, the galleries, the underground. A classic anxiety dream. It was dreadful and was very frightening. I was lucky and fell back asleep eventually.

In the morning, still feeling a bit questionable, I didn't really know what to do with myself. I talked to Stewart who is painting again and feeling good, and that is a wonderful and inspiring thing. Then we talked about our upcoming exhibition here in Bentonville in March and April. We worked it all out over skype. Stewart making digital schematics and me moving the paintings around my living room showing them to him on screen.

I started feeling better almost immediately. It was fun to work out the equation of putting the paintings together and talking about our work with each other. Remembering what we do and do so well together. It felt good to be reminded that I have a purpose outside of the Underground and all the drama and weirdness that became affiliated with it. I am a painter and I work, then show and sell my work. Stewart and I have some wonderful opportunities coming our way. It was nice to be reminded. This time I am working for us.


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