the first day of the rest of our lives

They say that the first day of the new year represents how you will live out the year ahead. I woke up next to the best friend I've ever had, the man who has supported me without one tiny hint of a selfish motive. He has loved me for me, not what I can do for him. And I have loved him back the very same way. To have found that kind of relationship.... friendship..... love...... platonic or otherwise..... well, how lucky am I? How many people get to know an unselfish love? Really?

I don't know what the future holds. I only know that I woke up today in Savannah, Georgia, with my very best friend. And then we drove back to North Carolina and had one of the most important talks we have ever had. This moment is what matters. What happens tomorrow will matter tomorrow. But this moment, this day where I know that I am loved, this matters and shall be cataloged to call on later if I need it. And I will, because sometimes I forget that I am loveable and lovely. But he reminds me, just by being himself.

I hope that the year ahead is filled with moments where I am living, really living, right then and there. That is a tough one, but today I was able to pull it off. And it changed my perspective, ever so slightly.

I love you, Patrick. I've never known another like you. You aren't my world, because my world is my own. You don't complete me, because I am already complete. I won't die without you, nor you without me. But I am so glad that you are in my life, and I hope you never leave it. xo

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