Ever bright and fair

By vincedesjardins

Half Moon Bud

The day started off cloudy but I was happy that 2011 ended with the sun coming out. The sun came out around 4 p.m. and I went out in the backyard and took this picture of the half moon. I tried to make it look like it was connected to the tip of this branch, almost as if it were a bud on the bare tree.

Around 11 p.m. Mark and I took Poppy for her last walk of 2011. While walking through Bryan Park, Mark shouted out, "Look at that," pointing up at the sky. I looked up and saw a bright red/orange light floating across the sky. It looked like a paper bag luminaria that had been sent up in the air like a hot air balloon. We waited for it to burst into flame, but it never did, it just kept floating, drifting along on the air currents, northward until it was out of sight. On our way back home, we saw another one, drifting in the same direction. I told Mark that it was a flying object and since we really couldn't identify what it was, it was a UFO, but we both knew it was not an alien spacecraft. Anyway, it was a fun memory for the last night of 2011

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