Salts Mill

Spent a nice afternoon wandering Salts park in Saltaire with my mum before a spot of lunch in the Mill cafe (delicious lentil, tomato & basil soup with crusty rolls, hmmm yum!)

I spotted a signed limited edition copy of Alan Bennetts 'Smut - two unseemly stories' and despite it being £25 mum ran off to buy it for me despite my protestations! When she got to the till it had been reduced to £14 so we were both very happy! Wish everyone had a mum like mine! Can't wait to read it, like Steven Fry or Brian Blessed he's a real national treasure. If your a fan nip into the book shop in the Mill & grab a bargain!

I nearly walked into him & his partner once in Leeds station & my friends took me to one of his readings in Ilkley but that's as much as our paths have crossed! Missed a production of 'The lady in the van' at Alhambra but am sure I'll catch it somewhere.

I have a signed copy of 'The history boys' as well, perhaps I'll invite him round for tea & cakes ;-)

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