Happy New Year

2years 72days

Happy New Year, lovely blippeeps!! We've had a really fabulous start to the year. After her swift falling asleep, she slept most of the night before appearing in my bed. She niggled for a little while then went back to sleep until 5ish. She then went back to sleep until gone 8.30. She held my hand the whole time, it was rather adorable. It was 9 before i could convince her out of bed, on the promise of her Cousin.

It was a rush to get ready but we made it out and there were plenty of people still arriving at Church when we did. She was pleased to see Cousin2 and sat on her knee in the colouring corner for most of the time. She was also pleased to discover at the end that it seemed Father Christmas had brought church flapjacks and caramel shortcakes, instead of the usual plain biscuits.

We headed home and I told her the plan for the rest of the day. Vic and Jon + their 2 (Jasminejaden if you ask Katie) were coming to our house. The last time we saw them, we went there. So she thought that what be must happening today and consequently didnt want to get out of the car when we arrived home. She did come out when I told her she could help me get things ready.

As always, today has been so much fun with these lovely people. They're fabulous company, the children are a delight and Katie adores them, its a winwin situation. They play wonderfully, and we can all natter, both about photography and about everything else (from narcoleptic dogs to childrens tv to marathon courses!) We had fun with tea - the children started way before everyone else, climbing over the sofa to where the table behind them was slowly gaining the food, and devouring crackers, crisps and grapes by tonne. Come pudding time, Katie found the box of chocolates. Without eating them, she transferred the entire tin one by one into her little shopping basket, going through all the colours and laughing at herself.

When it was time for them to leave, her little bottom lip fell. She insisted on waving from the kitchen window until the car had gone, turned round and come past again. I took her straight upstairs to get ready for bed. She sat on my bed, I went to her room to get her jammies and went back to mine. She was fast asleep on the bed, cuddling her friends.

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