The Adventures of Pippin

By kmcameron


Aw, poor wee Pippin. She's got conjunctivitis, and this is a picture of my Dad administering her eye drops. She was ever so good - I think she understands that it is helping her, even if she doesn't like it.

He is very good with animals, my Dad. I think he would have made a very good vet.

I wish I'd thought of becoming a vet actually. I am good at spotting irregularities in Pippin - she kept licking her paw and then rubbing her eye on it so I knew something was bothering her. And I spotted the lump she had as a puppy when the vet didn't even notice it! Fortunately it was only a tiny hernia thing, and maybe it's just because I'm always worried that something terrible is going to happen that I notice when things aren't right, but I still would have liked to have been able to help animals. Or people. I don't know why it didn't occur to me to think of studying medicine when I was at school. I think I thought I was too stupid.

Anyway, usually at the vet Pippin screams the place down, but this time she was a bit calmer. I remember getting conjunctivitis when I was little and, as well as eye cream, I got some mint flavoured medicine - it was amazing! Although Pippin doesn't have anything like that to go with her cream, she did get a few licks of champagne tonight which she thought was quite nice. I just hope she doesn't come to expect it every day, because that would prove to be rather expensive!

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