My Cup Overfloweth
Blip 22 - New Years Day.
I got soaked. The dogs came home with the semblance of drowned rats. The bird bath, which was empty yesterday, is now overflowing and the rain gives no sign of giving up.
I consider the rain our New Years gift!
Unlike those of you in Scotland, subjected to record levels of mud and sick of the sight of the stuff, here in Surrey we are enduring severe drought.
Life giving rain. Cleansing rain. Rain to make the grass grow. Rain for our streams, crops and livestock.
I, for one, consider it's presence today an auspicious sign for a good year ahead.
2011 has been a difficult year. I've had to come to terms with major changes. I've been under a grey cloud of uncertainty, no rain to moan about or sunshine for which to sing praises. The two, unrelated, closest people to me have had to move away, and the distance has been hard to handle. Both moves were inevitable.
My apologies to all those who, for circumstances, I let down last year.
My apologies for being a misery guts at's the time all sentiments and memories come to a head.
The New Year is here. Let it commence... life... 2012 I'm coming back!
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