
By 4Boys4Girls

Not a bike ad

but I think it could be. Following on from the image from yesterday, another bike shot. Noah learned to ride a bike today. I didn't think he would be able to, and I spent quite a bit of energy running after him (burning off the excess from last night) holding on to the back of the bike, but in the end it was pretty easy.

This shot was taken before he actually went for a ride. He was so keen that when I told him to get dressed up he removed all his clothes and then just put on the bike gear. He had to go back and put on some long pants and shoes for safety.

He just loves riding the bike, and he laughs deeply to himself in enjoyment as he rides. It makes my heart swell to seem hime coming across the grass laughing so happily.

Happy New YEar everyone, I hope you all have dozens of wonderful experiences this year which make your hearts swell.

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