More Than Words


A Long Day Out

Liam was in bed very late last night so I wondered how he would cope at a friend's birthday party at the beach. He managed very well, running in and out of the sea and splashing in the water. However, even though we were at a very secluded beach, along way away from shops, a water taxi turned up twice with ice creams for sale. He tolerated 'nos' well but fell apart when the chocolate cake (birthday cake) came along. He dived into it and had to be dragged away. I held him tightly for about 20 minutes and he calmed down. All in all he was happy most of the day and it's been a long time since we've all been able to go out for a day together. I spent a lot of the time in the water with him and despite sunscreen I have come home very burnt. Liam is now fast asleep and this is the only photo I've taken today. Happy New Year to all Blippers!

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